Functions marked with @discardableResult
allow you to ignore the return value.
For example, the log function shown below prints a log message and also returns a string. You must assign the result to an underscore if you don't want to use the returned string value.
func log(_ message: String) -> String {
let logInfo = "[INFO] \(message)"
return logInfo
let _ = log("Hello there")
Alternatively, you can mark the log function with @discardableResult
to ignore the returned string as shown below. This doesn't require the use of an underscore to ignore the returned value; however, the returned value can still be captured.
func log(_ message: String) -> String {
let logInfo = "[INFO] \(message)"
return logInfo
// Ignore the returned string value
log("Hello there")
// Use the returned string to print another log message
let s = log("Hello there again")
print("Log message is: \(s)")
Swift Programming for macOS © 2025
Built by Gavin Wiggins