Matrix multiplication with Metal

May 3, 2024

Metal Performance Shaders provide MPSMatrix and MPSMatrixMultiplication objects to perform matrix multiplication on the GPU. The code below demonstrates multiplication of two matrices.

import MetalPerformanceShaders

// Arrays that represent 2D matrices, rows and columns are defined for each array
// Note that if matrix A is m x n then matrix B must be n x p thus matrix C is m x p

let a: [Float] = [5, 2, 3,
                  4, 5, 6,
                  7, 8, 9]

let b: [Float] = [1, 2, 3, 4,
                  4, 5, 6, 7,
                  1, 3, 2, 1]

let rowsA = 3
let columnsA = 3

let rowsB = columnsA
let columnsB = 4

let rowsC = rowsA
let columnsC = columnsB

// Setup the Metal matrices

guard let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() else {
    fatalError("Failed to get GPU (Metal device)")

let rowBytesA = columnsA * MemoryLayout<Float>.stride
let rowBytesB = columnsB * MemoryLayout<Float>.stride
let rowBytesC = columnsC * MemoryLayout<Float>.stride

let bufferA = device.makeBuffer(bytes: a, length: rowsA * rowBytesA, options: .storageModeShared)!
let bufferB = device.makeBuffer(bytes: b, length: rowsB * rowBytesB, options: .storageModeShared)!
let bufferC = device.makeBuffer(length: rowsC * rowBytesC, options: .storageModeShared)!

let descA = MPSMatrixDescriptor(dimensions: rowsA, columns: columnsA, rowBytes: rowBytesA, dataType: .float32)
let descB = MPSMatrixDescriptor(dimensions: rowsB, columns: columnsB, rowBytes: rowBytesB, dataType: .float32)
let descC = MPSMatrixDescriptor(dimensions: rowsC, columns: columnsC, rowBytes: rowBytesC, dataType: .float32)

let matrixA = MPSMatrix(buffer: bufferA, descriptor: descA)
let matrixB = MPSMatrix(buffer: bufferB, descriptor: descB)
let matrixC = MPSMatrix(buffer: bufferC, descriptor: descC)

// Perform matrix multiplication using Metal

let commandBuffer = device.makeCommandQueue()!.makeCommandBuffer()!

let mul = MPSMatrixMultiplication(device: device, resultRows: rowsC, resultColumns: columnsC, interiorColumns: columnsA)
mul.encode(commandBuffer: commandBuffer, leftMatrix: matrixA, rightMatrix: matrixB, resultMatrix: matrixC)


// Print result

let rawPointer =
let floatPointer = rawPointer.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: rowsC * columnsC)
let bufferPointer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: floatPointer, count: rowsC * columnsC)
let arrayC = Array(bufferPointer)

for i in 0..<matrixC.rows {
    for j in 0..<matrixC.columns {
        print(arrayC[i * matrixC.columns + j], terminator: "  ")

Compile and run the code using the commands shown below. In macOS, you must link to the Core Graphics framework to get a Metal device object. This is required for apps that don't use graphics such as command line tools or scripts.

swiftc -framework CoreGraphics -Ounchecked matmul-metal.swift

The output is:

16.0  29.0  33.0  37.0
30.0  51.0  54.0  57.0
48.0  81.0  87.0  93.0