There are several XML parsers available in the Python standard library. Below is an example of using the ElementTree module.
<!-- Example XML file named sample.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Tests xmlns="">
<Test TestId="0001" TestType="CMD">
<Name>Convert number to string</Name>
<Test TestId="0002" TestType="CMD">
<Name>Find succeeding characters</Name>
<Test TestId="0003" TestType="GUI">
<Name>Convert multiple numbers to strings</Name>
<CommandLine>Examp2.EXE /Verbose</CommandLine>
<Output>One Two Three</Output>
<Test TestId="0004" TestType="GUI">
<Name>Find correlated key</Name>
<Test TestId="0005" TestType="GUI">
<Name>Count characters</Name>
<Input>This is a test</Input>
<Test TestId="0006" TestType="GUI">
<Name>Another Test</Name>
<Input>Test Input</Input>
Example of parsing an XML file named sample.xml and printing the parsed data
to the screen.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
with open('sample.xml') as file:
tree = ET.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
for rt in root:
testid = rt.attrib['TestId']
testtype = rt.attrib['TestType']
name = rt[0].text
cmdline = rt[1].text
enput = rt[2].text
output = rt[3].text
f'TestId {testid}\n'
f'TestType {testtype}\n'
f'Name {name}\n'
f'CommandLine {cmdline}\n'
f'Input {enput}\n'
f'Output {output}\n'
Running the above example in the terminal prints the following:
TestId 0001
TestType CMD
Name Convert number to string
CommandLine Examp1.EXE
Input 1
Output One
TestId 0002
TestType CMD
Name Find succeeding characters
CommandLine Examp2.EXE
Input abc
Output def
TestId 0003
TestType GUI
Name Convert multiple numbers to strings
CommandLine Examp2.EXE /Verbose
Input 123
Output One Two Three
TestId 0004
TestType GUI
Name Find correlated key
CommandLine Examp3.EXE
Input a1
Output b1
TestId 0005
TestType GUI
Name Count characters
CommandLine FinalExamp.EXE
Input This is a test
Output 14
TestId 0006
TestType GUI
Name Another Test
CommandLine Examp2.EXE
Input Test Input
Output 10
See the resources below for more information about XML parsing in Python.
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Built with Genja by Gavin Wiggins