Python Package with Data

November 24, 2024

The file structure below represents a project for a Python package named mypackage that includes data files. The data files in this example are CSV text files located in the package's source directory at src/mypackage/data/. The package can be installed using pip install . from the root level of the project.

├── src/
│   └── mypackage/
│       ├── data/
│       │   ├── fruits.csv
│       │   └── veggies.csv
│       ├──
│       └──
└── pyproject.toml

The content of the pyproject.toml file is shown below. Notice the data directory does not need to be explicitly stated in the pyproject file - well, at least for the hatchling build system.

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

name = "mypackage"
version = "0.1"
authors = [{name = "Bart Simpson"}]
description = "A small example package"
requires-python = ">=3.10"
dependencies = ["pandas", "ruff"]

In the module are functions that read the CSV files in the data directory and print out the data. Below is a function that reads the fruits.csv file and prints the fruit data. Notice the use of the importlib.resources module to get a path to the data file. This ensures the data file's path is correct even when the package is installed on different systems.


import pandas as pd
import importlib.resources

def read_fruits():
    """Read fruits CSV file and print data."""
    data_res = importlib.resources.files("mypackage") / "data"

    with importlib.resources.as_file(data_res / "fruits.csv") as f:
        df = pd.read_csv(f)

    print(f"\nFruits data from `fruits.csv` is below\n{df}")

The content of the file is shown next. The output from running the example is also shown. The data from the CSV files is successfully read and printed out from the example script.


import mypackage as mypkg

def main():
    """Run functions from the package."""

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python

Fruits data from `fruits.csv` is below
      name   quantity   price
0   apples          3    2.50
1   lemons          1    0.45
2  bananas          6    3.99

Veggies data from `veggies.csv` is below
       name   quantity   price
0   carrots          3    4.89
1  broccoli          1    1.25
2   spinach          6    2.50
3     beans         18    3.20

See the Python docs for more information about the importlib.resources module.

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