Gavin Wiggins



Written on November 8, 2022

With the toml package, the contents of a TOML file can be loaded into a Python dictionary. Below is an example of reading a TOML file named configure.toml into a config dictionary.

# This is a comment in a TOML file named configure.toml

title = "TOML Example"

name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00

enabled = true
ports = [8000, 8001, 8002]
data = [ ["delta", "phi"], [3.14] ]
temp_targets = { cpu = 79.5, case = 72.0 }


ip = ""     # This is an inline comment
role = "frontend"

ip = ""
role = "backend"
import toml

# Load the TOML file into a dictionary

with open('configure.toml', 'r') as f:
    config = toml.load(f)

# Print out values from the TOML dictionary

print('title is:\t\t', config['title'])
print('ports are:\t\t', config['database']['ports'])
print('servers alpha role is:\t', config['servers']['alpha']['role'])

The above Python code prints the following:

title is:               TOML Example
ports are:              [8000, 8001, 8002]
servers alpha role is:  frontend

Gavin Wiggins © 2025.
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