The JSON.jl package provides JSON parsing and printing capabilities in Julia. See the package's documentation for installation and usage information. The example below parses the vehicles.json
file which contains
"make": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1979
"make": "Ford",
"model": "Explorer",
"year": 2001
and the fruits.json
file which contains
"apples": 8,
"oranges": 2,
"berries": 19,
"melons": 4
This example uses the JSON package to parse the above JSON files.
import JSON
# Parse vehicles.json which contains an array of objects
julia> v = JSON.parsefile("vehicles.json")
julia> v[1]["model"]
julia> v[1]["year"]
# Parse fruits.json which contains several name:value pairs
julia> f = JSON.parsefile("fruits.json")
julia> f["berries"]
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