Any string appearing directly above an object is interpreted as a docstring for that object. This documentation is treated as Markdown therefore code blocks and other Markdown supported features are supported. An example docstring for a function is shown below.
# example.jl
sayhello(x, y)
Print a hello greeting given a first `x` and last `y` name.
# Inputs
- `x`: the first name.
- `y`: the last name.
### Examples
julia> sayhello("Bart", "Simpson")
Saying hello to Bart Simpson.
function sayhello(x, y)
s = "Saying hello to $x $y."
a = "Bart"
b = "Simpson"
sayhello(a, b)
The docstring for the above function can be rendered in the Julia REPL by typing ?
then the name of the function.
julia> include("example.jl")
julia> ?
help?> sayhello
search: sayhello
sayhello(x, y)
Print a hello greeting given a first x and last y name.
• x: the first name.
• y: the last name.
julia> sayhello("Bart", "Simpson")
Saying hello to Bart Simpson.
Gavin Wiggins © 2025.
Made on a Mac with Genja. Hosted on GitHub Pages.