Gavin Wiggins


Conditional statements

Written on June 13, 2021

A conditional statement is written with the if-elseif-else syntax. The ternary operator ? : offers a concise syntax for a conditional expression.

x = 10
y = 17.2

# An if-else statement
if x > y
    println("the x > y")
    println("the x < y")

# An if-elseif-else statement
if x > y
    println("the x > y")
elseif x < y
    println("the x < y")
    println("x and y are equal")

# Ternary operator for an if-else statement
(x > y) ? println("the x > y") : println("the x < y")

# Can also write the above ternary statement as follows
println((x > y) ? "the x > y" : "the x < y")

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