Gavin Wiggins


Node for JavaScript

Written on April 28, 2023

Node.js is a JavaScript run-time environment for developing command line tools and server-side applications outside the browser. See or for more information. The recommended way to install Node.js is with the Node Version Manager (nvm). See the installation steps at

Once Node.js is installed, a JavaScript file can be run from the command line as shown below:

node myexample.js

Running the node command without providing a file will start a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL) session.


Enter some JavaScript code in the REPL to execute that code and see the output. For example, the JavaScript code shown below will print hello there to the terminal and show the return type as undefined.

> console.log('hello there')
hello there

To upgrade to the latest stable (LTS) version of node use the following command:

nvm install "lts/*" --reinstall-packages-from="$(nvm current)"

To remove an older version use this command shown below where [old version] would be something like v19.6.1

nvm uninstall [old version]

Gavin Wiggins © 2025.
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