Select units

March 17, 2023

In this example, the select element is used to change the units associated with the input parameter. As shown in the image below, the diameter is entered as 4.5 inches and is automatically converted to meters as shown in the Results section. The same conversion to meters is done for the height parameter. Finally, the parameters (in units of meters) are used to calculate the cylinder volume in cubic meters (m3).

select units

<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    body {
        background-color: lightgrey;
        margin: 40px auto;
        max-width: 800px;


    <label for="diameter">Enter diameter:</label>
    <input type="number" id="diameter" name="diameter" min="0" value="4.5">

    <select id="diameterUnits">
        <option value="centimeter">cm</option>
        <option value="inch" selected>in</option>
        <option value="meter">m</option>


    <label for="height">Enter height:</label>
    <input type="number" id="height" name="height" min="0" value="10.82">

    <select id="heightUnits">
        <option value="centimeter">cm</option>
        <option value="inch">in</option>
        <option value="meter" selected>m</option>


<p id="diameterResult">Diameter is:</p>
<p id="heightResult">Height is:</p>
<p id="volumeResult">Cylinder volume is:</p>

<script src="app.js"></script>


The JavaScript file used for this example is shown below.

// app.js

function calcVolume(diameter, height) {
    const radius = diameter / 2;
    const vol = (Math.PI * radius * radius) * height;
    return vol;

function convert(value, units) {

    let factor;

    switch (units) {
        case "centimeter":
            factor = 0.01;
        case "inch":
            factor = 0.0254;
            factor = 1;

    return value * factor

function update() {

    // Get parameter values
    let diameter = document.getElementById("diameter").value;
    let height = document.getElementById("height").value;

    // Get unit values
    const diamUnits = document.getElementById("diameterUnits").value;
    const htUnits = document.getElementById("heightUnits").value;

    // Convert parameter values to units of meter
    diameter = convert(diameter, diamUnits);
    height = convert(height, htUnits);

    // Set results
    const diamResult = document.getElementById("diameterResult");
    diamResult.innerHTML = "Diameter is: " + diameter + " m";

    const htResult = document.getElementById("heightResult");
    htResult.innerHTML = "Height is: " + height + " m";

    const volume = calcVolume(diameter, height);
    const volResult = document.getElementById("volumeResult");
    volResult.innerHTML = "Cylinder volume is: " + volume + " m<sup>3</sup>";

window.addEventListener('load', update);
document.addEventListener("input", update);

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Built with Genja by Gavin Wiggins